Beneficial and harmful bugs for your garden
The first thought that comes to mind when you’re completely fresh to the world of plants is “BUGS ARE BAD.” Anything that flies or crawls about our plants makes us go crazy.
However, there are beneficial bugs that prey on harmful plant pests, which you should definitely preserve in your garden!
First, let’s learn about the harmful bugs: Beneficial and harmful bugs for your garden
1. Mealy Bugs:
Mealy bugs are little fuzzy white insects that cling to plants and feed on their fluids. They spread from plant to plant, and you run the risk of the pests infecting other plants if you purchase a new afflicted plant from a nursery. So, whenever you purchase plants, use extreme caution.
2. Root aphids and aphids:
Aphids are microscopic insects that resemble bright yellow, brown, or green and grow in clusters on plants. You can find and get rid of them before things get out of control if you pay great attention. Conversely, it is quite difficult to find root aphids. They cling to the roots and dwell beneath the earth. These guys could go unnoticed until you repot the plant. Aphids drain the plant’s fluids, weakening it, therefore please attempt to examine the roots beforehand.
3. Spider mites:
Because these small bugs are so tiny, it’s challenging to find them. They weave silky webs to stay beneath the layer of leaves on which they reside. Spots on leaves that have faded slightly might be indicators of spider mite infestation. They consume the chlorophyll in the plant.
4. Caterpillar of the Common Mormon Butterfly:
These may devour a large portion of your garden and develop quite quickly. They adore eating Ixora, oranges, and Curry leaves. You have to be vigilant since they might be difficult to see because they are a pale shade of green.
Now for the beneficial bugs that, if you see them on your plants, should make you happy:
1. Ladybugs:
These little bugs are the prettiest if you think insects are adorable! Infested with aphids? They can be of great assistance. About fifty aphids can be consumed daily by a single ladybug. They also eat mites and mealy worms as snacks. To draw these little women to your yard, put some dill or fennel.
2. Ground Beetle:
This little insect, according to its name, eliminates every nasty creature in the earth. They consume slugs, cabbage maggots, and snails. They also have a great appetite! Up to 50 caterpillars can be consumed by one of these creatures! You may get them by planting perennial flowers!
3. Tachinid fly:
These flies are quite successful in controlling nasty bugs in a somewhat morbid manner. The larvae are inserted into the harmful insect, hatch within, and consume the insect from the inside out. Did you wince? And a nasty bug will consume this larva even if it is outside.
Not only may tachinoid flies assist the bees fertilize the garden, but they can also devour a lot of nasty worms! Planting dill and parsley can draw these little marvels!
4. Green lacewings:
These stunning insects also have the ability to consume mealy bugs, leafhoppers, and aphids.
Whiteflies and spider mites are also under their control. We must draw a lot of them since they can consume a lot of food. You may welcome them into your yard by planting coriander and dill!
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